
Music is written on a group of five parallel horizontal lines, called Staff. Each sound that is a part of the music is expressed by placing a symbol called NOTE on the staff. However, we are not expressing the notes in a formal way here but simply remember the SCALE that goes as,


or in other words,


So, generally, the music scale start and end with the same note. That explains us that there are mainly Seven (7) notes in a scale.We are going to mix up thesein a methodical way to make music. So the base is those 7 notes spraed all over the figure board of a Guitar.Diagramatically we cou ld represent the 7 Notes as follows,

You can notice that after the note "E" and after the note "B" there is no gap like rest of the notes("CDFGAB"). First we try to understand that.

Sharp(#) and Flat(b) notes

In music you find "SHARP(#)" notes and FLAT(b) notes too. What are they???. Before you move to th next note you normally find another note in between and those called "SHARP" or "FLAT" notes. Take "C" as the first note and before you move to the next note( ascending) "D" there is a note in between, that is, C# (C Sharp), Like wise if you move from the note(Descending) "G" to "F", again you find a note called Gb (G flat). Look at the diagram now.

So, there are "5 Sharp" notes and 5 flats notes also available, in other words you don't find "E sharp" and "B sharp" notes and "F flat" and "C falt" too.

Equal Notes

By looking at the above diagram you could arive at a conclusion that there are following equal notes,

C# = Db
D# = Eb
F# = Gb
G# = Ab
A# = Bb

If you take Electronic Keyboard(organ) or Piano as an example, you could notice the pattern that the "Black keys" spread through the board,Those are "Sharp" and "Flat" keys.

Scales, Chords & Bass

The related notes will form a Chord or Scale or Bass to a Music. This will be disscussed detaily in respective topics.